How Customers Of PHH / Ocwen Are Winning Lawsuits And Getting Paid
(And also getting their credit report errors fixed for FREE!)

- Do you currently have – or have you ever had – a mortgage with or serviced by PHH / Ocwen?
- Have you been through a bankruptcy?
If so, there’s a good chance you could be eligible for significant compensation!
Below you can learn more and take our 60-second assessment to see if you qualify.
PHH Mortgage / Ocwen is a mortgage lender and servicer that has been facing big problems due to their repeated misreporting of financial information for their customers who have been through Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
In Massachusetts, the Company agreed to pay a $2 million fine for alleged “widespread” mortgage servicing problems.
In 2013, PHH / Ocwen paid $291 million to settle a lawsuit in California over servicing misconduct.
Later that same year, PHH / Ocwen faced lawsuits in the other 49 states and settled to pay $2.1 billion.
According to the Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau:
“Ocwen took advantage of borrowers at every stage of the process.”
Below is a list of the issues faced by many PHH / Ocwen clients:
- Inaccurate Credit Reporting
- Credit Reporting Errors
- Inaccurate Payment History
- Unable to Qualify for Loans
- Payments Not Accepted / Reported
- Denied Credit
- Unable to Refinance
- ‘Lost’ Mortgage Payments
- Failed to Update After Bankruptcy
- Harassing Phone Calls
Courts have been consistently ordering PHH / Ocwen to fix these problems at the company’s expense.
While this is bad news for PHH / Ocwen, it’s good news for you.
If you’ve had to deal with any of the issues above, you probably qualify for:
- FREE help from an attorney to fix any credit report errors caused by PHH / Ocwen (The company has to pay all attorney fees associated with this work).
- Significant financial reimbursement to compensate you for the troubles you experienced as a result of the issues above.
To see if you qualify for significant financial compensation and FREE help fixing your credit report, please take 60 seconds to complete our evaluation by tapping the button below.
Our top-rated attorneys have had great success in helping people just like you to get their credit report errors fixed for FREE and receive significant financial compensation from PHH / Ocwen.
At a minimum, we’ll be happy to contact you and provide you with free advice from our legal experts.
However, you could qualify for significant financial compensation and FREE help fixing your credit report.
Here are a few results from people we’ve helped:
Dan’s Story
The mortgage company agreed to a settlement with our client for his second mortgage.
As part of the agreement, the mortgage company agreed to report to the credit reporting agencies that the second mortgage was “settled.”
This was never done, and we sued the mortgage company, got the client’s credit report corrected, and settled his case without our client having to go to court.
Al’s Story
The mortgage company double-charged our client, and also reported the false late payments to the Credit Bureaus.
We sued the company, fixed our client’s credit report errors and settled his case.
Chris and Duane’s Story
Our clients tried to refinance their home when they realized that the mortgage company was not reporting a payment history to the credit reporting agencies.
It was as if the mortgage didn’t exist.
As a result, our clients were unable to refinance.
We helped the clients send 3 rounds of dispute letters to fix the issue, but nothing was fixed.
We sued the mortgage company in federal court, completely fixed the errors on our clients’ credit report, and negotiated a financial settlement for them.
Liz’s Story
Our client’s mortgage was not included in her bankruptcy, but the mortgage company reported the mortgage as included in her bankruptcy with an inaccurate pay history.
We sued the mortgage company, completely fixed her credit report error, and settled her case.
To see if you qualify for significant financial compensation and FREE help fixing your credit report, please take 60 seconds to complete our evaluation by tapping the button below.
About Fields Law Firm

Fields Law Firm has a track record of fighting for our clients’ rights and winning cases.
At Fields Law, we take pride in the level of support we give our clients.
We’re proud of our 4.9-star rating on Google, which we believe we’ve earned because we take the time to listen to your situation to ensure we understand the full extent of your needs.
Our goal is to protect your rights so that you can receive all of the benefits you are entitled to.